Sunday 13 November 2011

No publicity stills of Holly Grainger as Estella have surfaced yet....

Even though publicity stills of Jeremy Irvine and Helen Bonham Carter as their characters in 'Great Expectations' have now surfaced, no such photograph of Holly as Estella has made an appearance. This is something that is making me anxious because it is starting to look as if her role in the film is being sidelined publicity-wise. I hope this isn't the case, but, given that these two images were made available within twenty-four hours of one another, if nothing in the way of a production still from this movie featuring Miss Grainger portraying Pip's love interest gets to see the light of day within the next couple of weeks, I will be forced into the assumption that all publicity regarding her will be kept to a bare minimum, dimishing her chances of getting her big breakthrough.